Buck Moth Spraying Registration
Buckmoth Caterpillar Spraying - Springtime is just around the corner which means that the Buck Moth Caterpillars won’t be far behind. The Buck Moth lays its eggs primarily in oak trees, which stay there through the winter, and then
begin to hatch in February. Eggs are typically laid in spiral clusters on oak twigs and larvae typically emerge in a single generation in the spring. Touching the caterpillars’ spines could cause symptoms ranging from itching and
burning sensations to a more painful sting. With proper tree spraying the impact of this nuisance can be reduced.
Below you will find our online pre-registration form. Please complete the form and return it to us with your payment. Our rates are $200.00 for the first tree, $100.00 additional each tree after that. Payment may be made via MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover. Trees cannot not be sprayed until the caterpillars have hatched. That said, spraying is expected to commence around the first of April and will be routed by area based on a first-return of the pre-registration form, first-served basis.
Each customer will be notified prior to scheduling so that you may bring pets in, cover pet dishes, unlock gates, move vehicles, cover fish ponds, etc. We look forward to a sting-free Springtime.
Service Request Form
All fields indicated with an asterisk are required.
You will be contacted by Bayou Tree Service to inform you of your scheduled spray date.
1 Oak Tree: | $200.00 First Tree |
More Than 1 Oak Tree: | $100.00 ea. Additional Tree |