What to expect from a consultation?

After a person has contacted their Baton Rouge arborist with an issue about their tree, it’s our job to visit the site to evaluate the tree for any health or structural problems. This site visit is called a consultation. During a consultation, we discuss our customers’ concerns, assess the tree’s health, and identify any potential problems.

After the evaluation, the arborist will discuss their findings with the tree owner. They will then recommend a care plan based on those findings. Finally, they will assess the likelihood of the plan’s success.

This could be as simple as pruning or fertilizing, or removal in cases where the tree is found to be either unsafe or beyond the point of recovery. In most cases, the property owner has the final say in whether to accept a proposed tree care program.

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Free Estimates By Certified Arborists

Call Us: New Orleans

(504) 837-8733

Call Us: Baton Rouge

(225) 372-8585


A certified arborist in Baton Rouge is a tree care expert who has gone above the basic licensing requirements. Below is a list of certifications held by one or more of our certified arborists.

ISA – The ISA offers a certification program for arborists that is more challenging than state programs. An arborist needs years of experience before they can take the ISA certification exam. Those who finish the program have demonstrated exemplary knowledge in tree worker safety, tree biology, soil science, tree nutrition and fertilization, construction site procedures, and myriad of other disciplines.

Getting this certification involves continuously learning about the city’s trees, addressing the community’s tree needs, and interacting professionally with the public. Bayou Tree Service currently has six ISA Certified Arborists on staff.

TRAQ – The ISA provides the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) to tree experts. These experts are able to identify tree hazards and recommend ways to mitigate or eliminate them.

Urban trees encounter numerous challenges like construction, maintenance, collisions, pollution, and diseases. They also struggle with limited space for their roots and compacted soil. These challenges can affect the health and growth of city trees.

A TRAQ certified arborist can identify tree risks in urban areas and create solutions to protect people and property. They also work to ensure the tree’s survival. Bayou Tree Service currently has seven TRAQ certified arborists on staff.

CTSP – This is a certification for arborists who excel in safety and communication at work sites. It is awarded by the Tree Care Industry Association. Arborists who hold this certification have demonstrated their ability to prioritize safety and effectively communicate with their crews. Those who hold a CTSP certificate have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the health and safety of their colleagues.

Certified Treecare Safety Professionals ensure that everyone stays safe and returns home to their families after completing complex tasks. They lead with their expertise to prioritize safety.

Their main goal is to protect the well-being of all individuals involved in tree care operations. This includes implementing safety measures and protocols to prevent accidents and injuries. Bayou Tree Service has 3 CTSP arborists on staff.
